Brown's BusyNess

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

So...being a supervisor is way stressful. Today was the first day back at the lab for the year and it was horrible. I had a new employee to work with. She's very nice, thankfully. However, one person will be out sick for the week in halogens (since there are only 3 people over there it is very difficult to lose one). Then, I get a call from the most important person in the wet chemistry department. She's going to be out sick all week with an infection. I hate that these people are sick especially at the begining of the new year but we have tons of projects in house!!! I need 3 of me to do my job! Oh, and by the way, Tim stayed home with the puppies mourning for the ex president. Flipping federal employees...although I do get to reap the great benefits so I can't be too upset. On top of that I got into a heated discussion with the head of the Quality Assurance dept today. Nice guy but I want to strangle him sometimes. To top it all off, another employee in the wet chemistry department tells me that they will be giving me a 2 weeks notice soon. I just lost another employee a couple of weeks before Christmas. I'm not going to have any employees to supervise if this keeps up. Am I that hard to work for???? The End...for now.


  • At 10:33 AM, Blogger Cassandra said…

    That stresses me out for you Zara! I hope you were able to find someone to replace the person that gave the 2 week notice!


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