Brown's BusyNess

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Wisdom Teeth

So I was talking to Z about my upcoming oral surgery at the end of the month and I told her that I was very excited. She replied, "Getting your wisdom teeth removed is not fun, or an enjoyable experience." I said that I was going to make some money off of the tooth fairy for my 4 teeth. She informed me that the Doctors keep the teeth because they are a biohazard. How is that possible? They are in my mouth, they belong to me, and they are not causing me any life-threatening problems. My only conclusion is that the Doctors keep the teeth because they have a deal set up with the Tooth Fairy, and hence the reason they are all rich and drive expensive cars.


  • At 5:30 PM, Blogger Jim said…

    You should ask when you go in if you can keep them. I know that vet's let you keep your dog's balls when you take them in to get neutered.

  • At 10:32 AM, Blogger Cassandra said…

    Good theory. I think it could be true! Jim made a good point about the dog balls too. LOL.


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