Brown's BusyNess

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Valentines Day

It is nice to know that we both love each other so much. Our Valentine's Day consisted of me being stuck in snow bound DC for the week and getting home late Saturday. We went out to eat at IHOP, and since Z has a hard time remembering what that stands for: International House of Pancakes.

Our gifts to each other: Me - 1/2-inch corded Craftsman hammer drill Z: New red 300 thread count sheets for our bed.

So to all of those single people out there, this is what you get to look forward to when you are married. No chocolates, no flowers, no cards.

My personal opinion: It's a Hallmark Holiday. Wouldnt it mean more for me to send her flowers some other random day of the year out of the blue (which I do), than a day when they cost $Texas?


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